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September 14th, 2022 | admin

The Greystone Mansion is one of the most famous samples of Beverly Hills architecture for many reasons, mainly for its scandalous history. Let’s review some facts about the building itself.… Continue reading Greystone Mansion is the Finest in Beverly Hills Architecture

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September 7th, 2022 | admin

If you’re a fan of mid-century modern style, then you are probably familiar with the Achille Castiglioni Arco Lamp. Achille Castiglioni and his brother Pier Giacomo designed the original Arco… Continue reading Achille Castriglioni and Arco Lamp

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August 31st, 2022 | admin

Richard Neutra was an Austrian-born architect, but he made Southern California the location for his life and career. He is credited for ushering the international modern architecture style into the… Continue reading Another Great Los Angeles Landmark: The Neutra VDL House

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August 24th, 2022 | admin

For Gerald Olesker, Founder/CEO of ADG Lighting, the opportunity to design beautiful shade lighting for the Loews Regency New York is something he has done in many other hospitality settings.  … Continue reading ADG Lighting Designs Shade Lighting for Loews Regency New York

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August 17th, 2022 | admin

The Banning House was built in 1864 and designed by Phineas Banning. The Banning House has been called one of the best examples of Greek Revival architecture in the West. … Continue reading Los Angeles Architecture at Its Best: The Banning House

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August 10th, 2022 | admin

One wonders how the architect’s minds worked when they decided to design some of our most prized architectural landmarks. One thing we can all agree on is that these architects… Continue reading The Glass House is a Spectacular Architectural Landmark

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August 3rd, 2022 | admin

The Fontainebleau Miami Beach Hotel is the creme de la creme in hotel architecture. It was initially built in 1954 by an architect named Morris Lapidus. The hotel architectural style… Continue reading The Hotel Architecture of the Fontainebleau Miami Beach

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July 27th, 2022 | admin

So you have a great idea for lighting your beautiful home. The problem is you have never seen anything close to what is in your brain. You know this is… Continue reading Why Work With A Custom Lighting Manufacturer

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July 20th, 2022 | admin

There are styles of architecture distinctive to certain parts of the country, specifically California and Los Angeles; the architecture is show-stopping here. Los Angeles architecture is a melting pot of… Continue reading Avila Adobe House: Notable Los Angeles Architecture

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July 13th, 2022 | admin

Googie architecture is both futuristic and nostalgic at the same time. Originally from Southern California and part of the Streamline Moderne architecture, Googie architecture represented America’s fascination with the future… Continue reading It’s Googie Architecture, Not Google!

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