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July 21st, 2024 | admin
pennsylvania architecture

Pennsylvania architecture is a captivating blend of historical richness and modern innovation. This state’s architectural journey began in the 17th century, influenced heavily by the diverse groups that settled here.… Continue reading The Charm of Pennsylvania Architecture

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July 16th, 2024 | admin
green building

Green building is a vital shift toward a more sustainable future. At its core, it’s about creating environmentally responsible and resource-efficient structures throughout their life cycle. This approach is crucial… Continue reading Embracing Sustainability Through Green Building

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July 8th, 2024 | admin
chicago architecture

Admit it, when you think of Chicago, one of the first things that comes to mind is its stunning skyline. Chicago architecture is known worldwide for its innovation, diversity, and… Continue reading Exploring Chicago Architecture

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June 25th, 2024 | admin

Let’s talk about furniture design. It’s more than just creating pieces for practical use; it’s a blend of art, engineering, and magic that transforms spaces into personal sanctuaries. When discussing… Continue reading The Art and Craft of Furniture Design

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June 18th, 2024 | admin
Orange County architecture

When people think of Orange County, they often drift to the iconic beaches and sprawling suburban neighborhoods. But what about Orange County architecture? Beyond the well-trodden paths lie some lesser-known… Continue reading Hidden Gems in Orange County Architecture

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June 11th, 2024 | admin

There’s a special synergy that occurs when a lighting designer works with an architect. At the project’s onset, the architect lays the foundation, defining the space’s purpose, style, and structure.… Continue reading Architects and Lighting Designers: A Collaborative Synergy

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June 3rd, 2024 | admin

Kansas is a state rich in history and culture and is home to an array of architectural gems that tell stories of its past. Among these, the historic theaters stand… Continue reading Exploring Kansas Architecture through its Historic Theaters

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May 6th, 2024 | admin

In recent years, the concept of the tiny house has transcended mere trendiness, evolving into a vibrant lifestyle choice for individuals and families alike. This surge in popularity reflects a… Continue reading The Rise of Tiny House Living

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April 30th, 2024 | admin

Here at ADG Lighting, we like to promote sustainable architectural design. Sustainable architectural design is the future — scientific studies have proven time and time again that global warming is… Continue reading Highlighting Sustainable Architectural Design

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April 23rd, 2024 | admin

It’s a fact that the ambiance of a restaurant is almost as important as the cuisine served. The strategic use of restaurant lighting is vital to creating this inviting atmosphere. When done… Continue reading The Magic of Restaurant Lighting

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